Wie verlängern Sie eine momentane euphorische Stimmung in eine nachhaltige und positive Organisationskultur? Wir schauen über den Tellerrand nach Amerika und zeigen eine Organisation, die aus Euphorie Erfolg zog – und das in kurzer Zeit! Der Autor zeigt auf, wie gelebte Werte in einem Verband zur positiven Entwicklung des Verbandes beitragen.
HOW DO YOU TURN A POSITIVE VIBE INTO A SUSTAINED ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE? HERE’S A LOOK AT ONE ASSOCIATION THAT DEVOTED ITSELF – AND HALF OF ITS GENERAL MANAGER OF OPERATIONS’ TIME – TO PUTTING VALUES INTO ACTION. At Fitness Australia, being cool is part of the job. It even says so in its most recent job listing: “Position Specification and Description for the New #TeamCool Member.” In July, the 27,000-member association for fitness professionals Down Under needed two new member-service staff. After taking in resumes, first-round interviews took place over coffee. In the second round, candidates were asked, among other things, what historical figure they’d be most likely to dress up as. The third round brought four finalists to the office for a day of work taking member calls. Then, says Angie Karpouzis, digital media coordinator, “We hired the two coolest people, basically.” She is not joking. Fitness Australia hires to fit its organizational culture first and technical skills second. And t