Charting an association’s future increasingly means knowing its numbers as well as its operations. Brenda Hargett, CAE, has mastered a dual role—CFO and COO—and saved millions.
Wie verlängern Sie eine momentane euphorische Stimmung in eine nachhaltige und positive Organisationskultur? Wir schauen über den Tellerrand nach Amerika und zeigen eine Organisation, die aus Euphorie Erfolg zog – und das in kurzer Zeit! Der Autor zeigt auf, wie gelebte Werte in einem Verband zur positiven Entwicklung des Verbandes beitragen

In 2010, Brenda Hargett, CPA, CAE, left Her job as VP, Special Programs and CFO of the American Petroleum Institute, where she spent 17 years, to work at the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery. On the surface, this seemed like an unusual move. API is a trade organization that represents the world’s major oil companies. AAO-HNS serves a specialty group of doctors and surgeons and has a tenth of API’s budget. But the opportunity to lead is much deeper. And keeping the books is more fun. “API is a large trade association, but the accounting of it is relatively simple: Six members paid 98 percent of the dues,” she says. “The organization I am with now, with both a (c)(3) and a (c)(6) entity, is much more complex, accounting-wise. We own our own building, with municipal bond financing and an interest rate swap, we have endowments.” Hargett has a dual role at AAO-HNS: Though she began the job as COO, she quickly acquired her familiar role of CFO as w